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Unveiling Nostalgic Inspiration: Styling Thrifted Looks

I'm feeling a little nostalgic these past weeks. Maybe because I'm reflecting to create ideas on how to move forward with my business, or maybe it's simply because it feels good look back. The good times, the messy times, the growth that has occurred. All those micro-experiences in my past are seeds for the next one, and then the next one.

8 years ago I began blogging for the Goodwill. I was an "influencer" (lol) for them. Each month I'd do my thing as I've done since I was 15 years old. I'd thrift. I'd develop a style theme I was inspired by and dig into the racks to curate items that gave my vision legs. Then, I'd model the pieces for their social media + mine (torture), and write a supporting blog post to explain my groundbreaking style philosophies behind the looks. (bliss)

My audience was small but mighty. I had individuals in my circle who loved it, I had people who never saw it, and I even received some criticism from people who questioned The Goodwill's efforts in the community. My retaliation for my last point was years later I decided to work for the Goodwill to see what it was all about. This was also a sabbatical for me - I needed a job that required little to no strategy. I needed time to think and develop my next step. So, I sorted jewelry in the back of a dirty warehouse for 7 months.

Back to style.

I know now that my time writing and curating for the Goodwill provided me with practice. It provided me with the opportunity to have creative autonomy and articulate that creativity visually. I began working on a process. I created. I sharpened my knife - as my friend Andrew would say.

This has served me well over the years, and now that I'm immersing myself in the world of wardrobe styling - I have experience behind me. I developed tools and my eye can see things clearer, faster, and with greater confidence.

Wow! Now that I'm writing this I didn't realize what it all meant to me...maybe that's why I was called to share this with my small but mighty + very stylish readers.

I hope you enjoy these looks as much as I enjoyed styling them.

With love,


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